Monday, 19 September 2016

Things thats distinguish an entrepreneur from other business owners

Here are the 5 realities of entrepreneurship that live at the foundation of what Michael Gerber refer to as "The New Entrepreneur":

Reality #1: The entrepreneur is an inventor.
Inventors ask the question, "What's missing in this picture?" and then answer it by inventing the piece that's missing. What entrepreneurs do next, however, is what distinguishes them from all other inventors.
Whereas inventors invent new products, entrepreneurs invent new businesses.
To the entrepreneur, the business he or she invents is a product, a unique product that stands out in a world of ordinary business products.

Reality #2: Entrepreneurs do not buybusiness opportunities; they createthem.
Business opportunities such as franchises are designed to ensure the success of the people who buy them as long as they follow the system and, in the process, suppress their entrepreneurial inclination to invent.
But the passion of the entrepreneur is not to run a successful business - not to run a business someone else invented - but to invent a unique business that thenbecomes successful. Uniquely.
To a true entrepreneur, the real business opportunity lies in inventing a unique business and then growing it.

Reality #3: Invention is contagious.
People love to experience an original business idea that has been successfully manifested in the market. The entrepreneur's passion, therefore, comes not only from inventing a new business, but also from basking in the delight of other people as they experience his or her invention.
Every customer of the entrepreneur's business invention is applauding the entrepreneur's originality, brilliance, and successful performance.
As the entrepreneur's invention grows and sustains its success, it becomes a model that others will want to emulate as they let loose their own inclination to invent and create new businesses.

Reality #4: To an entrepreneur, the measure of business success is growth.
True entrepreneurs know that the goal of every business is to grow.
Survival is not success.
Growth is success because it's the tangible, measurable demonstration that the marketplace has determined your invention has value.
To an entrepreneur, being caught up in a slow-growth or no-growth business is to be doomed to show up every day to perform in a show nobody enjoys.
Businesses that nobody enjoys should close quickly so that everyone can go out and find an experience they love.

Read more here

Source: INC

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