Monday, 14 November 2016

How do you measure Success?

Success is such a powerful word. We all want it, we all admire those who have it and we're all terribly scared of its opposite. Failure is a dirty word and we often think in terms of black and white, for example “if I’m not successful I must be a failure”. This isn’t true.
It’s tempting to measure success by focussing on possessions, money, your job, your body or your partner. It’s time to challenge this because these indicators contribute to an imbalance between perception and genuine wellbeing. This is what you really need to focus on.
The positive impact you have on others
How you treat other people is key to being successful. Not only for the person you are treating well but also for you. It feels good to be kind, thoughtful, empathetic and compassionate. When you create a positive impact on others the feeling of success is inevitable. Give back and create a positive impact.

The ability to be grateful for what you have
Cultivating gratitude is a huge part of success. Looking at the things we do have instead of the things we don’t, being grateful for the road that has taken us to our path and being grateful for the good things we've experienced automatically elevate how we feel. Life is great when you’re grateful.

The ability to overcome your circumstances
Anyone who has ever achieved success in business or love has overcome something to get there. A skilled lawyer never became skilled overnight. Look at the circumstances you have overcome to get where you are, look at the strengths and battles you have had to face to reach your position. Now look back down the mountain at how far you've come. That distance is great measure of success.

The ability to pursue your goals
Everyone has the ability to go for what they really want in life, but defining exactly what that is – and being honest with yourself in the process – is the source of success. It’s easy to succumb to social convention when you’re setting out your stall in the world, but if you don’t listen to yourself you may struggle to achieve the fulfilment that goes hand in hand with success. Re-define success. And do it on your own terms. How you measure your success is, ultimately, up to you.


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