Wednesday 24 August 2016

Reasons entrepreneurs Should cut back on caffeine

Here’s why you should think about quelling your caffeine intake today – particularly if you’re an entrepreneur.
1. Save Money
Before I get into any of the health benefits of quitting caffeine, let’s first establish that caffeine – in all its forms – is an expensive treat.
I recently tallied up the money I’d spent on coffee over a thirty day period, and I was utterly shocked. I’d spent a worryingly large amount of money on something which was potentially more trouble than it was worth.
Go ahead and do the sums for your own coffee expenditure. if you dare.
2. Sleep Better
A poor sleeping schedule could be disastrous for any entrepreneur, and it’s no secret that caffeine stops you from snoozing (even when you really want to).
And if you think you can make up for that lack of sleep with yet more coffee, you’re wrong.Studies have shown that after just three sleep-deprived nights, coffee can no longer make you feel more alert.
3. Hydrate Quicker
Hydration is the key to having a productive and headache-free day.
Ironically, although coffee is often served with a big dose of water, studies have shown that caffeine is a diuretic when consumed in large doses, making your body flush out fluids more often.
4. Fewer Headaches
Speaking of being headache-free, caffeine headaches are a thing.
As mentioned above, hydration should be your first concern if you suffer from regular headaches, but caffeine should be a close second.
5. Lower Blood Pressure
Studies have found that regular doses of caffeine can heighten your blood pressure, forcing your heart to work harder.
That’s not healthy for your heart in the long term, and it’s also bad news for your brain in the short term, as high blood pressure restricts blood from flowing to the brain as it should. In other words, you’re literally starving your brain of its fuel. That’s gotta’ be bad for business.
6. A Slimmer Waistline
As an entrepreneur, you may not have time to hit the gym every day. Thus, a healthy diet is absolutely essential.
If we put the side effects of caffeine aside for just a moment, we can uncover the substance that so often accompanies it – sugar.
By cutting out the coffee coolers, energy drinks, and heavily-sugared espressos, you’ll be slashing your calorie intake, too.
How to Replace Caffeine (In 3 Steps)
Three step plan to cut back on caffeine:
a) Water and club soda instead of soft drinks
b)Freshly squeezed fruit juice instead of energy drinks
c)More orders of decaf coffee, particularly after lunch
It’s a simple and balanced approach to the problem. This doesn't mean you should stop coffee totally. Rather, it aims at creating a balance

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