Wednesday 31 August 2016

Four myths about starting your own business

There are so many myths about starting a business of your own. You would agree with me. Some of these myths gets people scared of being a starter of business thereby being an entrepreneur. Let's look at some myths OLBLOG analyzed which I find interesting. This could also change your view and perhaps save some cash to start yours
Myth No. 1: You Need a Lot of Money to Start a Business
I think this is myth is very common. Do you really need much to start. Not necessarily.According to olblog:" There are plenty of businesses you can start with virtually no money. With most of the many businesses I started, the total investment was less than $2,000. Some I started with literally no money at all. - You can sometimes even get your customers-to-be to finance you.".
Myth No. 2: It Takes a Lot of Time to Start a Business
Olblog says "I conceived the idea for my Cape Cod map business on a Thanksgiving weekend while I was on winter vacation from college. By the time I returned to school after the holidays – just five weeks later – I had produced the mock-up of the map, had sold every square inch of advertising space on the rear of the map, had sent the final version of the map to the printer, and had already made a nice, tidy profit.
If you think this is the only business that you can successfully start in just a few days, think again. Every single summer vacation from college, I started a new business. Some summers, when I was feeling especially bored and restless, I’d start more than one business ". True there are some that may need time but forget the fears and start. You don't need all the time in world.
Myth No. 3: You Need a Lot of Experience to Start a Business
Well, some may say the myth 3 isn't even a myth. Not all Business needs a LOT of experience. Olblog says "I have rarely started a business in which I have had any directly relatable experience. Besides, what fun would that be? It would just be repetitive and boring. I am amused when people tell me that I shouldn’t be starting out in a business I know nothing about. “What a ridiculous idea!” they exclaim, or “Good luck,” inferring they don’t believe I have any chance of all of succeeding.
I quickly found out that by going into a businesses I knew nothing about, I could easily make some very dumb mistakes. But I also found out something else. I discovered that everyone else in business, including all the established players, make plenty of dumb mistakes too. They just made different kinds of mistakes, and maybe not quite as many. Furthermore, they sometimes all make the same mistakes and they consider it “industry standard operating procedure.”
Seriously, it doesn’t hurt to have some experience in any business you go into. But for many businesses, experience is not necessary, and you can usually pick up the experience you really need along the way. Besides, any business can be learned, especially if you break it down into digestible pieces." You agree with that? I do. How many needs to be lot experienced in knowing how to fold a cloth before becoming a dry cleaner?
Myth No. 4: You Shouldn’t Start a Business While You Have a Full-Time Job
For most people, I recommend you keep your current job until your new business becomes established (that is, unless you are starting an unusually complicated business, like a commercial spacecraft engineering firm). Even if your business needs to be staffed throughout the day, you may be better off, initially, keeping your own day job and perhaps hiring hourly help to staff the firm during your working hours, while you do the more critical work at night.
You are usually better off developing a small business slowly and carefully. First, study how to run a small business. Then, plan the specifics of your own business slowly and carefully. When you finally do launch your business, I recommend starting out as small as you possibly can, testing, analyzing, revamping, and testing again, until you are ready to really roll it out. 
So now, I guess you can start yours now. Start with the small you have. With time ,you will expand. It took linda ikeji almost  eight to ten years to get to where she is with blogging. Everyone started somewhere. Do the same and conquer your fears.
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